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NwW Community Council


Latest News


Nayland Annual

Fun Village Quiz

Friday 2nd October

7.30pm sharp start

Nayland Village Hall

Book your tickets online at:

or click for further information
and an application form

or contact Rachel Hitchcock
on 01206 263169
or rachel_hitchcock@hotmail.com

Village Quiz

Nayland with Wissington Calendar Photographic Competition


With spring almost upon us the competition to generate photographs for the 2026 village calendar is drawing closer.

Photographs reflecting any of the 12 months of the year taken in recent years which represent our beautiful parish and our thriving community will be welcome; these may include scenic views, architectural and natural features, street scenes community events and activities and any seasonal or unusual aspects of the parish.

As usual the competition will be open to residents of the Nayland with Wissington parish, and those who work in the parish or are active participants in parish societies/organisations.

There is no age limit and we would love to have more entries from young people, the aim is to make it an enjoyable community project.
Deadline for receiving entries will be Monday 28th April

Please note: The images should belandscape orientation and recognisable as being in Nayland or Wissington. (Please remember that while shots of magnificent birds soaring overhead or spectacular skies are impressive they could be taken anywhere.)

Further details are available here - please check this for rules and submission criteria

Calendar Competition

Community Council AGM


Monday 3rd March

8pm at Nayland Village Hall

(Exec at 7.30pm)

We are s seeking a new Secretary to join our friendly and enthusiastic Executive Committee. The role is not onerous; taking minutes
at our bi-monthly meetings and keeping in touch with our membership.

If you would like to know more about the Community Council or the role of Secretary
please contact Rachel Hitchcock
on 01206 263169
or rachel_hitchcock@hotmail.com


Father Christmas
comes to Nayland

On Christmas Eve, 24th December, Father Christmas and his Elf will once again be stopping off in Nayland before they begin their night shift delivering presents.

Starting at 2pm from the Christmas tree in the High Street he will tour the village - stopping for 10 minutes as marked on the map – spreading Christmas cheer en route by handing out chocolate coins to the little people of the village.

If it is raining Father Christmas will not be able to travel round but he will still be at the Christmas tree at 2pm.

Click to see enlarged poster and map

Father Christmas

Nayland & Wiston
Christmas Trail

The Trail is back by popular demand!

Again having Advent windows being revealed from 1st-24th December.

The Christmas trees and home-made wreath competition will be displayed from 9th December

Click here for to see or download the Trail document and map


Christmas Trail

Water Level Gauge for River Stour

Following fluctuations in the water levels, and occasions in recent years when flow virtually ceased, in the river through Nayland the Community Council agreed to supply and install a water level gauge at Caley Green.

Permission was given by Suffolk Councty Council, landowners of Caley Green and the Environment Agency confirmed a permit was not required. A censored gauge was not possible but it was felt a simple gauge would help monitor the water levels and it would be a point of interest to have a gauge board located where residents can see it.

The gauge provides two water level readings: the river bed depth (useful for the school projects and locals) and the above sea level (for official recording) in line with the EA and river trusts. A local surveyor kindly provided the OS above sea level datum.

The gauge board was purchsed from Shelley Signs (£355), the the oak post and installation (£648) was carried out by Danny Thurlow Landscapes on 23rd July 2024.


Nayland with Wissington Calendar 2025 - ON SALE

The 2025 calendar is available to purchase in village shops; Nayland Post Office, Forget Me Not, Studio B Salon or from 17 Court Street. They are priced £7 and make ideal gifts.

They are also available to purchase online from naylandandwiston.net/calendar where payment is via Paypal and delivery by post.

Alternatively they can be ordered using the order form available here with payment by cheque.

The stunning photographs in the 2025 calendar provide a wonderful record of the parish as it is today. They reflect the beauty of the village, its wildlife and its surrounding landscape.  Wendy Sparrow, the Parish Recorder, has included a history piece entitled ‘Heavy Traffic in Days Gone By'.

The fabulous photographs were taken by local residents and selected by public vote.  There were almost 200 wonderful images submitted in the competition so choosing just 13 was not an easy task.  We hope everyone enjoyed taking part and will enjoy the calendar. The photographs submitted can be viewed below.

  Calendars For Sale

Nayland with Wissington Calendar Photographic Competition

Thank you to everyone who took part... whether entering photographs or voting for your favourite scenes.

Here are the images sent in by residents and were voted for by you as your favourites – click to view.

The photographs selected with the most votes were taken by Sarah Amos, Amelie Palmer (age 10), Mandy Cook, John Revett, Darius Laws, John Dalton, Elaine Muskett, Jenny Rix, Tony Fryer, Suki Cohen and Julie Clarke. Congratulations and well done to them!

We hope you like the photographs.... and will consider buying the 2025 calendar when it’s out. It will be available at the Nayland Flower Show on 3rd August.

All the photos were lovely and will be kept as an archive of how the village looked at this time. Some of the other popular images can be seen in the Community Times results pages – click to view.

Thank you to everyone who participated. Do keep taking photographs throughout the year; the competition will be back again next spring.

Selected Photos 2024


Annual Calendar Photographic Competition

Thank you to everyone who entered photographs; there is a wonderful selection for you to choose from.

The photographs have been split into categories for selection – please click on the links on the right to view each category. Make a note of the numbers of the photographs you wish to vote for and email those numbers through to lorraine.nayland@btinternet.com before midnight on Sunday 28th May.

When selecting your favourite scenes please consider selecting from across the categories and consider different seasons are needed as well.

Ideally: 2 Wissington, 3 People & events, 2 Street scenes & buildings, 2 Features, 2 Nature & wildlife, 2 Sunrise & sunset, 4 The river, 3 Parish views. For the 2025 cover image select just 1.

The results of the most popular photographs, which will be included in the calendar, will be announced on 8th May.

Thank you all for taking part.


select 2

Street Scenes
select 2
select 2
The River
select 4
Parish Views
select 3

Nayland Annual Fun Village Quiz

The annual fun village quiz, organised by the Community Council, was, once again, a sellout with 24 teams of four taking part at the event at the village hall on 2nd February.

The winners were Quiz Team Aguilera (Alexandra and Cameron Duncan and Marian and Paul Squire) with Norfolk ‘n Chance in second place and Phillip’s Pirates and the Don’t Knows in a tie for third.

It was another excellent quiz and most of all great fun; well done Rachel for all the great questions and being a perfect question master.

Many thanks to Claire Buller for helping to set up, the Hitchcock girls and friends who did a sterling job on the scoring, Jo Metson and Vicki Sargent for managing the raffle and Nick Moriarty for his technical assistance.

Community Council Chair, Rachel Hitchcock said: “Thanks so much to everybody for making this evening such a success, for creating such a jovial atmosphere and taking part so enthusiastically!”
The event raised over £600 for council funds.

2024 Fun Quix

Nayland Christmas Trail: Wreath Competition & Christmas Trees

Christmas Wreath Competition

Congratulations to the winners of the Wreath Competition.

The winner in the adult category was Elaine Muskett (Harpers Estate) who created a delightful wreath incorporating the Nayland celebrities Bear & Fish.

The winner in the under 16 category was William Torry (Heycroft Way) with a lovely wreath made of natural materials. 
Elaine's (left) and William's (right) creations were delightful as you can see.

View all the Wreaths here


Advent Windows

From 1st to 24th December windows around the village were decorated and ‘opened’ each day.

View all the Advent Windows here


Christmas Trees

The Christmas trees were displayed from 9th December.

For a little extra interest there was a question associated with each tree.

The answers are displayed under the photographs of the trees, which can be viewed here


Nayland & Wiston Christmas Trail

The Trail is back by popular demand!

It has been wonderful in recent years to get together as a community and bring a little seasonal cheer to the streets of Nayland and Wiston. Once again residents have set their Christmas creativity free to be enjoyed by us all.

Again having Advent windows being revealed from 1-24 December.

The Christmas trees and home-made wreath competition will be displayed from 9th December. The winners will be revealed on 20th December.

There will be other festive delights to see as well.

The Trail map, so you know where all the displays can be found is available from: the Post Office, Forget Me Not, Studio B Hair Salon and Mill Stores or a copy can be downloaded here.


  Christmas Tfrail

Bonfire & Fireworks Night 

on 5th November

Nayland's traditional bonfire and firework display will be held as usual on 5th November, which this year falls on a Sunday.

It is fun for all the family, withdelicious barbecued hot dogs with locally sourced sausages, Fish & Chips, Ice Cream, soft drinks or warming hot chocolate and mulled wine.

Entry will be by ticket in advance, priced at £6 adult, £2 children aged 4-16, free entry for 3 and under - they are availablenow from Nayland shops or they can be purchased online at https://naylandevents.org/

Gates will open at 6.15pm on the village hall playing field (Church Lane, off the High Street CO6 4JH). The display by Firework Crazywill start at 7pm. The Guy will be paraded down to the bonfire and the fire lit after the fireworks.

Please arrive in good time to park. There is limited parking in the village. Please walk if you can. Disabled parking only at the village hall.

  Bonfire Night

Nayland Christmas Fayre 2023


The annual Christmas Fayre will will held on Saturday 2nd December at the Village Hall from 10.30am until 1pm.

There will be fun for all with Father Christmas in attendance, musical entertinment from Nayland Primary School, tradtional stalls and goodies, festive food and refreshments, raffles and tombola, seasonal sounds and a great atmosphere.

The Fayre also provides an opportunity for village societies and groups to raise funds so do pop along to support them and take advantage of their talents.

Further information and application forms for societies and others to book a stall/table can be downloaded here.

Please note the deadline is 5th November but check availability by email to rachel_hitchcock@hotmail.com


  Christmnas Fayre

Nayland with Wissington Calendar 2024 - ON SALE

The 2024 calendar is available to purchase in village shops; Nayland Post Office, Forget Me Not, Studio B Salon or from 17 Court Street. They are priced £7 and make ideal gifts.

They are also available to purchase online from naylandandwiston.net/calendar where payment is via Paypal and delivery by post.

Alternatively they can be ordered using the order form available here with payment by cheque.

The stunning photographs in the 2023 calendar provide a wonderful record of the parish as it is today. They reflect the beauty of the village, its wildlife and its surrounding landscape.  Wendy Sparrow, the Parish Recorder, has included a history piece entitled ‘Some of Nayland's Lost Buildings'.

The fabulous photographs were taken by local residents and selected by public vote.  There were almost 200 wonderful images submitted in the competition so choosing just 13 was not an easy task.  We hope everyone enjoyed taking part and will enjoy the calendar. The photographs submitted can be viewed below.

  Calendars For Sale

King Charles III's Coronation Picnic

God Save the King. Many of us were glued to our televisions to watch the historic occasion of the Coronation of King Charles III on 6th May. It was such a shame that the
weather was unkind but the typically British pomp and ceremony went on regardless.

Like many other communities the following day, when thankfully the sun came out, Nayland residents celebrated with a Coronation Picnic on Webb’s Meadow at the village
hall. It was a lovely, relaxed affair. just what the doctor ordered after the hustle and bustle of the past year.

Thank you for being part of the celebrations.

Answers to the Fun Quizes can be found below:

Royal Quiz Solutions

Think You Know Nayland Photo Quiz Solutions


Annual Calendar Photographic Competition

Thank you to everyone who entered photographs; there is a wonderful selection for you to choose from.

The photographs have been split into categories for selection – please click on the links below to view each category. Make a note of the numbers of the photographs you wish to vote for and email those numbers through to lorraine.nayland@btinternet.com before midnight on 1st May.

When selecting your favourite scenes please consider selecting from across the categories and consider different seasons are needed as well. Ideally: 1 Wissington, 3 people & events, 2 street scenes & buildings, 1 features, 2 nature & wildlife, 2 sunrise & sunset, 2 the river, 3 parish views. For the 2024 cover image select just 1.

The results of the most popular photographs, which will be included in the calendar, will be announced on 8th May.

Thank you all for taking part.


select 1

Street Scenes
select 2
select 1
The River
select 2
Parish Views
select 3

Annual Fun Village Quiz

Twenty three teams of four - our highest number yet and a sellout - took part in the annual fun quiz organised by the Community Council at the village hall on 3rd February 2023.
The winners were Dumb & Dumber (Will, Andrew Ryan and Antonia and Stephen Rowland), with Vintage, Stoke the Bear and The Careless Mistakes in a three-way tie for second place.

It was another excellent quiz and most of all great fun; Well done Rachel for all the great questions and being a perfect question master.

Many thanks Claire and Wayne Buller and family who did a brilliant job with setting up, to the Hitchcock girls and friends did a sterling job on the scoring and to Claire Buller and Jo Metson for managing the raffle. A huge thanks to everyone for being very generous when buying raffle tickets.

Community Council Chair, Rachel Hitchcock said: "It was a very successful evening and everyone had a great time."

The event raised over £600 for council funds.

  Fun Vuillage Quiz

Nayland Christmas Trail: Wreath Competition

Congratulations to the winners of Nayland’s Christmas Wreath Competition

The winner in the adult category was Karen Freeman (Court Street) who created a delightful wreath to commemorate the late Queen Elizabeth II.
The winners in the under 16 category was Maria & Vasylisa Papusha (The Old Stables) with a lovely wreath made of natural materials. 
Karen's (left) and Maria & Vasylisa's (right) creations were delightful as you can see.

View all the Wreaths here

Advent Windows
From 1st to 24th December windows around the village were decorated and ‘opened’ each day.

View all the Advent Windows here

Christmas Trees
The Christmas trees were displayed from 7th December.

For a little extra interest there was a question associated with each tree.

The answers are displayed under the photographs of the trees, which can be viewed here

And there was more...
Community spirit didn't end there; many residents contributed further with some wonderful festive decorations, bringing much joy and amusement to the village.

View some of those festive displays here



Christmas Trail

Nayland & Wiston Christmas Trail

The Trail was back by popular demand!

It has been wonderful in recent years to get together as a community and bring a little seasonal cheer to the streets of Nayland and Wiston. Once again residents have set their Christmas creativity free to be enjoyed by us all.

Again having Advent windows being revealed from 1-24 December.

The Christmas trees and home-made wreath competition will be displayed from 9th December. The winners will be revealed on 20th December.

There will be other delights to see as well.

The Trail map, so you know where all the festive delights can be found is available fro, the Post Office, Forget Me Not, Studio B Hair Salon and Mill Stores or a cope can be downloaded here.


  Christmas Tfrail

Nayland Christmas Fayre 2022

The annual Christmas Fayre will will held on Saturday 3rd December at the Village Hall from 10.30am until 1pm.

There will be fun for all with Father Christmas in attendance, musical entertinment from Nayland Primary School, tradtional stalls and goodies, festive food and refreshments, raffles and tombola, seasonal sounds and a great atmosphere.

The Fayre also provides an opportunity for village societies and groups to raise funds so do pop along to support them and take advantage of their talents.

Further information and application forms for societies and others to book a stall/table can be downloaded here. Please note the deadline is 5th November but check availability by email to naylandchristmasfayre@gmail.com


  Christmnas Fayre

Father Christmas comes to Nayland

On Christmas Eve, 24th December, Father Christmas and his Elf will once again be stopping off in Nayland before they begin their night shift delivering presents.

Starting at 2pm from the Christmas tree in the High Street he will tour the village - stopping for 10 minutes as marked on the map – spreading Christmas cheer en route by handing out chocolate coins to the little people of the village.

If it is raining Father Christmas will not be able to travel round by car but he will still be at the Christmas tree at 2pm.

Click to see enlarged poster and map



  Father Christmas Comes to Nayland

Nayland with Wissington 2023 Calendar - Now On Sale

The 2023 calendar is available to purchase in village shops; Nayland Post Office, Forget Me Not, Melissa's Hair Salon or from 17 Court Street. They are priced £7 and make ideal gifts.

They are also available to purchase online from naylandandwiston.net/calendar where payment is via Paypal and delivery by post.

Alternatively they can be ordered using the order form available here with payment by cheque.

The fabulous photographs were taken by local residents and selected by public vote. The stunning photographs in the calendar provide a wonderful record of the parish as it is today. Wendy Sparrow, the Parish Recorder, has included a history piece entitled ‘Nayland’s Sporting Past'.

For further information about the Nayland with Wissington calendar see the Calendar page


Nayland Calendar


Platinum Jubilee Street Party

A big thank you to everyone involved in the Street Party on 5th June 2022 celebrating 70 years of the Queen’s reign.

It was a wonderful event with a fabulous atmosphere and reflected the spirit of the Community Council in true Nayland with Wissington style. Whether you moved your car from the High Street (unnecessarily as it turned out), put up the bunting, rung the Church bells, sung in the choir, entered the fancy-dress parade, joined in with the community singing, were a member of the set up/clear up committee or just attended the event you were part of a day to remember. The praise for the event has been coming in from far and wide and I can honestly say it would not have happened without everyone’s cooperation and support.

Thank you so much to Wendy Sparrow and her team of helpers for a wonderful 1950s exhibition which evoked so many wonderful childhood memories for so many people.

Thank you all for your Platinum Jubilee mug orders and a big thank you to the Parish Council and Community Council for jointly funding the mugs that were ordered for all under 16`s who live in the parish.

Claire Buller, CC Jubilee Planning Team

View the photo Album of the Jubilee Party here


Platinum Jubilee Party

Nayland with Wissington Calendar Photographic Competition

Thank you to everyone who took part... whether entering photographs or voting for your favourite scenes.

Here are the images sent in by residents and were voted for by you as your favourites – click to view.

The photographs selected with the most votes were taken by Amelie Palmer (age 8), Kathryn Niven, Rebecca Gladwell, Patsie Ford, Antony Day, Mandy Cook, Sally Dalton, Gareth Bates and Rachel Hitchcock. Congratulations and well done to them!

We hope you like the photographs.... and will consider buying the 2023 calendar when it’s out. It will be available at the Nayland Flower Show on 6th August.

All the photos were lovely and will be kept as an archive of how the village looked at this time. Some of the other popular images can be seen in the Community Times results pages – click to view..

Do keep taking photographs throughout the year; the competition will be back again next spring.
Thank you


Selected Photos 2022

Nayland with Wissington Calendar Photographic Competition

The photographic competition to generate images for the 2023 Nayland with Wissington Calendar took place on 14th-15th May. There were 149 beautiful photographs submitted, making selection of just twelve scenes and a cover very difficult indeed; thank goodness the choice is made by residents!

Visitors to the display on 14th May, and those viewing online over the weekend made their selections. It was not an easy task choosing just 12 scenes from so many lovely photographs but the 50 people that voted came up with a wonderful result.

The photographs selected were submitted by Amelie Palmer (age 8), Kathryn Niven, Rebecca Gladwell, Patsie Ford, Antony Day, Mandy Cook, Sally Dalton, Gareth Bates and Rachel Hitchcock. Congratulations and well done.

You will have to wait for the calendar to see the selected entries but shown here are an example of the other delightful images submitted and on show at the exhibition. As hoped entries represented the different seasons with our range of weather conditions, from glorious sunshine to mist and snow.

Locations ranged from village activities and events such as the Nayland 10K Fun Run, Church concerts, Flower Show and river recreation to parish landmarks, such as St James' and St Mary’s churches. There were a variety of street scenes, views of the meandering river Stour, the countryside and farming views and some interesting architectural and natural features including the beautiful seasonally decorated Post Office window and floral displays within the village. Several people managed to capture spur of the moment scenes, with our feathered and furry residents - the swans and geese on Caley Green, and elsewhere gazing bullocks and frolicking lambs.

Thank you to everyone who participated.

The images selected for inclusion in the calendar are now being inserted in the village calendar which will go on sale at the Flower Show on 6th August.

In the meantime, don’t forget to keep your cameras to hand to capture scenes for next year’s competition.


For those who missed out the photographs submitted can still be viewed by clicking on the links to each section below

select 2

Street Scenes
select 1
select 2
The River
select 2
Parish Views
select 2

Commemorative mugs celebrating Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee

As usual for Royal Jubilees a bespoke Commemorative mug has been produced. 

These are available FREE for every child who lives in the parish of Nayland with Wissington. 

For adults and those not qualifying they can also be purchased, for £6, by but pre-ordering is essential and numbers are limited.

Click for further details and an order form


Jubilee Mugs

Platinum Jubilee Street Party on 5th June

Nayland and Wiston residents and their families are invited to join together to celebrate this historic event.  

Reserve your seats now - make sure you don’t miss out!

For further information see here

For a table booking form see here

Don’t forget to plan your outfits - 1950s style or red, white & blue - to add to the fun.

Platinum Jubilee

1950s Memorabilia Exhibition

The exhibition will be open n the Bar area of the Village Hall on Saturday 4th June at : 10am-4pm and on Sunday 5th Juneat 10am-12 noon and 2pm-6pm

The committee would be grateful for more items for the exhibition.

If you have anything of that period you would be willing to include in the display please contact the Parish Recorder, Wendy Sparrow on 262820 or wsparrow150@btinternet.com

The utmost care will be taken of all contributions

1950s Display

Children's Kings & Queens Fancy Dress Parade

There will be prizes for all the children who come along dressed as kings or queens to take part in the parade.

There will be prizes for everyone that enters and special prizes
for first, second and third.

See here for some ideas of Kings and Queens through the ages.

It would be lovely to see many children getting involved.
So get your thinking caps on!

Fancy Dress

Nayland Annual Fun Village Quiz

Nineteen teams of four took part in the annual fun quiz organised by the Community Council at the village hall on 4th February 2022.

The winners were Levelling Down (Teresa and Sean Moriaty and Elspeth and Declan Leahey), with Quizzy McQuiz Face second and Always the Bridesmaid third. 

It was another wonderfully masterminded quiz by Rachel Hitchcock with great questions, well paced and most of all great fun. Chloe and Annabel Hitchcock and a friend did a brilliant job with setting up tables and chairs and doing the raffle and to Sally Bramell who did a wonderful job scoring. 

Community Council Chair, Rachel Hitchcock said: "It was a very successful evening and everyone had a great time." 

The event raised just over £400 for council funds.

Village VQuiz

Father Christmas Comes To Nayland

Father Christmas and his Elf visited Nayland on Christmas Eve for a tour of the village in Foster Jones’ wonderful open-top vintage car, a 1927 Humber. 

They were greeted on their travels by many excited children, big kids and parents out to see the visit by this special man. 

Over 85 bags of chocolate coins were handed out to delighted children.  

The photographs show residents greeting the tour  when it arrived in the High Street.  It then went via Court Street to Caley Green and then down Bear Street to Stoke Road and then to Fen Street.


Father Christmas

Nayland Christmas Trail: Wreath Competition

Congratulations to the winners of Nayland’s Christmas Wreath Competition

The winner in the adult category was Karen Newton (Stoke Road) and the winner in the under 10 category was William Torry (Heycroft Way). 

Karen's (left) and William's (right) creations were delightful as you can see.


Christmas Wreath Winners

Nayland Christmas Trail: Christmas Tree Questions

We hope you enjoyed the fabulous Christmas trees on the trail and solving the questions. The answers to the questions posed are:

  • Why are red robins associated with Christmas?  In Victorian Britain postmen were nicknamed ‘Robins’ because of their red-breasted uniforms. So the Robin on the Christmas card came to represent the postman who delivered the cards - 5 Court Street
  • How many stars can you see on the tree? 19 (including the one on the top - 1 Court Street
  • How tall is the village tree this year?  22 foot - High Street
  • How many Christmas trees can you see at no. 31?   27 - 31 Fen Street
  • In 16th century Poland it was popular to hang your Christmas tree upside down from the ceiling, true or false?   True - 4 Birch Street
  • What kind of sweets are in the Christmas tree?  Candy canes - 33 Bear Street
  • What might a Christmas fairy shelter under in this window?  Toadstool - 60 Bear Street

Thank you all for participating.

The Community Council wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

Christmas Tree

Nayland Christmas Trail

Christmas has been a little different these last two years and that has seemed even more reason for us to get together as a community and bring a little seasonal cheer to the streets of Nayland and Wiston.

From 1st to 24th December advent windows around the village will be decorated and ‘opened’ each day.  The Christmas trees and wreaths will be displayed from 10th December.  For a little extra interest there is a question associated with each tree.  Answers to the questions and the results of the wreath competition will be published here from 21st December.

To find the locations of participating houses and other delightful Christmas attractions detail and a map can be found here

Thank you all for participating and making this Christmas special

Christmas Trail

Jingle Bells Coffee Morning with Father Christmas

Nayland with Wissington Community Council celebrated the start of the festive season with a successful Coffee Morning on 11th December.  Due to the Omicron variant of Covid it was felt a quieter, more community minded event should be organised.

It had all the ingredients of a jolly festive occasion; the village hall was gaily decorated with bunting and several local societies ran a variety of stalls.  Father Christmas was in attendance, Nayland Primary School choir provided musical entertainment and festive food and refreshments were available.

Council chairman Rachel Hitchcock said: "It was a lovely start to the festivities and although quieter than our usual Christmas Fayre it was very well received and enjoyed. It was an opportunity for villagers to socialise in a safer environment."

Many thanks to all who helped with the planning and on the day; our events would not happen without support from the community.   

Christmas Coffee Morning

Nayland Village Christmas Tree

On Sunday 5th December 2021 the tree was once again mounted into its underground fixings. This year it was a truly magnificent tree. However once more it was not without its challenges. When we arrived, a car was parked over the underground tree mounting therefore the owner of the vehicle had to be found before work could commence. Once the owner was found and the car moved, we started to decorate the tree while it was lying on the ground. Once the top lights and decorations were placed, we then attempted to lift the tree to the upright position into its fixings but this year’s tree was much heavier than previous years and extra manpower was required.  After a few phone calls calling on a few extra bodies and an ingenious chock of wood made by Sean we managed finally to get the tree in its upright position.

The Tree received many wonderful comments this year with its many lights and decorations making it a sight to see. Many said “It was the best one ever” A big thank you to the Community Council for funding the lights and baubles which helped brighten everyone’s Christmas again this year.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who helped put it up and take it down again this year and to say an extra big thank you to those people without whom we would not have a village Christmas tree,

Thanks to our dental surgery for servicing the tree with its electricity and allowing the tree to be positioned outside their premises, Fred Smith of Straight Road, Boxted for delivering and supplying the tree at a very competitive rate, Sean Norfolk with his chain saw who expertly shaped the tree stump to fit its holder and Iain Wright for lying in the gutter to secure the fixing bolts.


Village Christmas Tree

Nayland Bonfire Firework Display 2020

The Community Council’s annual Nayland Bonfire & Fireworks night was back... with a bang and a dazzling display.

Held as usual on 5th November the event attracted 1400 spectators which is astounding; an all time record.

Dynamic Fireworks provided the display, Fred Bugg the bonfire, Nayland schoolchildren made a fabulous Guy and our happy band of volunteers served nearly 500 barbecue hot dogs and over 50 litres of mulled wine. The event raised a record breaking £4,500.

Rachel Hitchcock, CC Chair said: "Everything ran smoothly thanks to our wonderful team of volunteers. There has been lots of positive feedback and there was a great atmosphere."


  Bonfire Night 2021
Bonfire Night 2021   Bonfire Night 2021

Nayland with Wissington Calendar 2022 - ON SALE

The 2022 calendar is available to purchase in village shops; Nayland Post Office, Forget Me Not, Melissa's Hair Salon or from 17 Court Street. They are priced £7 and make ideal gifts.

They are also available to purchase online from naylandandwiston.net/calendar.  Payment would be via Paypal and delivery by post.

Alternatively they can be ordered using the order form available here with payment by cheque.

The stunning photographs in the 2022 calendar provide a wonderful record of the parish as it is today. They reflect the beauty of the village, its wildlife and its surrounding landscape.  Wendy Sparrow, the Parish Recorder, has included a history piece entitled ‘Nayland’s Sporting Past'.

The fabulous photographs were taken by local residents and selected by public vote.  There were 150 wonderful images submitted in the competition so choosing just 13 was not an easy task.  We hope everyone enjoyed taking part and will enjoy the calendar. The photographs submitted can be viewed on the Calendar page.

  Calendars For Sale

Nayland with Wissington Calendar Photographic Competition

The photographic competition to generate images for the 2022 Nayland with Wissington Calendar took place using online technology again due to the Coronavirus restrictions. We missed seeing everyone in the church hall for what is usually a nice social occasion but the number of entries was again high with just over 150 photos submitted by 29 photographers. 

Thank you to everyone who entered; the standard of the photographs was fantastic resulting a wonderful selection of scenes and subjects for viewers to choose from.

Congratulations to those who received the most votes for their fabulous photographs. They were: Brian Sanders, Elaine Muskett, Luke Speakman, Mandy Cook, Antony Day, Rebecca Gladwell, Stuart Howells, Wendy Sparrow and Justin Dowding.

The benefit of conducting the competition this way means the images are stiall available to view. The photographs were split into categories for selection and the photos can be viewed by clicking on the links

Thank you all for taking part.


select 1

Street Scenes
select 1
select 1
The River
select 2
select 3

Nayland and Wiston Christmas Trail

Christmas was rather different in December 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic but that seemed even more reason for us to get together as a community and bring a little seasonal cheer to the streets of Nayland and Wiston.

Advent Windows
From 1st to 24th December windows around the village were decorated and ‘opened’ each day.

View all the Advent Windows here

Christmas Trees
The Christmas trees were displayed from 7th December.

For a little extra interest there was a question associated with each tree.

The answers are displayed under the photographs of the trees, which can be viewed here

Christmas Wreath Competition
The Christmas wreaths were displayed from 7th December and the competition was judged by Reverend Mark Woodrow on 21st December.

Congratulations!! The winners of the categories in the wreath competition were: 

Adult: Karen Freeman - 5 Court Street
Under 16: Pippa and Isla Metson - 16 Laburnum Way
Under 10:  Charlie Duncan - The Steam Mill House, 1 Fen Street

View all the Wreaths here

Thank you to all who participated in the Christmas Trail and  made this Christmas special.

And there was more...
Community spirit didn't end there; many residents contributed further with some wonderful festive decorations, bringing much joy and amusement to the village.

View some of those festive displays here

  Christmas Trail

Father Christmas Came To Nayland

Father Christmas and his Elf visited Nayland on Sunday 20th December in an open-top 1927 Humber vintage motor car.

They were greeted by youngsters and parents at the Christmas tree in the High Street at 11am before beginning their tour of the village. Another crowd welcomed them at Caley Green.

The tour continued onto The Heights Estate, Nayland House Care Home and back along Bear Street, Mill Street and Fen Street, stopping here and there to give chocolate to children.

Father Christmas and his Elf gave out over 70 bags of gold chocolate coins to children; there were about 150-200 youngsters, big kids and parents out and about to see the special man!

View photographs of his tour here

  Father Christmas Visit

Nayland Village Christmas Tree

On Sunday morning, 6th December 2021, a merry band of Community Council volunteers arrived to erect and decorate the village Christmas tree in the High Street.

It was a beautiful tree, supplied as usual by Fred Smith of Boxted, and was adorned with brand new lights and baubles.

It went up a week earlier than usual; after the difficult year the world has experienced with the Coronavirus the Community Council felt some early cheer would be a welcome sight.

Many thanks to Claire Buller and her wonderful team of volunteers who managed the task while adhering to the necessary social distancing rules.

  Christmas Tree 2020

Father Christmas Comes To Nayland

Father Christmas and his Elf will be visiting Nayland on Sunday 20th December 2020.

Starting at 11am from the Christmas tree in the High Street he will tour the village - as marked on the map - spreading his Christmas cheer en route by handing out chocolate coins to the little people of the village.

He will also pop along to Nayland House to wave to the residents.

Route: from the High Street, out along Court Street to the A134 and then back into the village at Bear Street. They will then travel up The Heights Estate to the Westerings. The will turn left out of Harper's Estate and travel along Bear Street, (popping up to Nayland House), Mill Street and finally Fen Street.

Please maintain social distancing and keep safe.

  Dather Christmas Visit

Nayland and Wiston Christmas Trail

Christmas may be a little different this year but that seemed even more reason for us to get together as a community and bring a little seasonal cheer to the streets of Nayland and Wiston.

Advent Windows: from 1st to 24th December windows around the village will be decorated and ‘opened’ each day.

Christmas Tree Trail: the Christmas trees will be displayed from 7th December. For a little extra interest there is a question associated with each tree.

Christmas Wreath competition: The Christmas wreaths will be displayed from 7th December. The competition will be judged by Reverend Mark Woodrow on 21st December.

The locations of all the Advent Windows, Christmas Trees, Christmas Wreaths and other festive spectacles are shown on this Christmas Trail map
  Christmas Trail

Nayland with Wissington Calendar 2021 - ON SALE

The 2021 calendar is available to purchase in village shops; Nayland Post Office, Forget Me Not, Melissa's Hair Salon or from 17 Court Street. They are priced £5 and make ideal gifts.

They are also available to purchase online from naylandandwiston.net/calendar.  Payment would be via Paypal and delivery by post.

Alternatively they can be ordered using the order form on the Calendar page with payment by cheque.

The stunning photographs in the 2021 calendar provide a wonderful record of the parish as it is today. They reflect the beauty of the village, its wildlife and its surrounding landscape.  Wendy Sparrow, the Parish Recorder, has included a history piece entitled ‘Photographers in Nayland’s Past'.

The fabulous photographs were taken by local residents and selected by public vote.  There were 200 wonderful images submitted in the competition so choosing just 13 was not an easy task.  We hope everyone enjoyed taking part and will enjoy the calendar.

  2021 Calendar

Christmas Activities in Nayland

It seems likely that our usual Nayland Christmas activities may well be curtailed somewhat this year. However, not to be beaten, Nayland Community Council, as well as the Church, are considering Christmas community activities that may be acceptable and safe in lieu of the normal Nayland celebrations and festivities.

A Christmas wreath competition, a Christmas Tree trail and Advent Windows are ideas that have been suggested to involve the whole village and church community and perhaps some form of Christmassy refreshments in the High Street depending what the guidelines state nearer the time...

If you have any other ideas, please contact rachel_hitchcock@hotmail.com revdmarkwoodrow@gmail.com

Nayland Christmas Fayre 2020

With little change in the Coronavirus restrictions the Community Council have agreed that the Christmas Fayre will not be held this year. 

Nayland Bonfire Firework Display 2020

It is with much regret that the Nayland with Wissington Community Council have agreed that the 2020 Bonfire and Firework Display will not take place.
It is the first time in the 34-year history of Nayland Fireworks that the event has been cancelled, but the Community Council felt it was necessary for the safety of all and to comply with Covid-19 restrictions.
We very much hope the situation will have improved by next year and that our 2021 Bonfire and Firework Display can be bigger and brighter than ever.
Whatever you are doing on Bonfire Night, stay safe.

  Cancelled Events

Nayland with Wissington Calendar Photographic Competition: 26th-28th June 2020

Thank you to everyone who entered a very different competition this year; not to be stopped by the Coronavirus pandemic using the internet enabled the competition to go ahead. This was a great success; there was a wonderful selection of 199 images for residents to choose their favourite 12 scenes. 

This year a number of the photographs entered do not strictly conform to the criteria of‘being 'recognisable as being in Nayland or Wiston’.  However, this was an exceptional year, one where our wildlife played an important part in our lives so the criteria was been relaxed to allow these delightful images to be considered for inclusion for the 2021 Nayland with Wissington calendar.

The benefit of conducting the competition this way means the images are stiall available to view. The photographs were split into categories for selection and the photos can be viewed by clicking on the links below


People & Events

Street Scenes & Buildings

Features: Architectural & Natural

Nature & Wildlife

The River

Parish Views


Calendar Comp


Nayand Fun Quiz

Nayland Fun Village Quiz held in the village hall on 8th February proved pretty popular with twenty-two teams battling it out in friendly rivalry!  The winners were Liz Richards and Karon Symmons and their partners.

Chair Rachel Hitchcock said: “It was a really enjoyable evening with lots of positive comments. It was lovely to see a good turnout from the village and beyond.”

The Community Council are very grateful to Rachel Hichcock and her team of helpers for leading on the organisation of the quiz evening.

  Fun Quiz

Christmas Family Fayre

Seasonal festivities began at Nayland on December 3rd with a successful Christmas Family Fayre.

Local societies and traders from outside the village took part in the annual event, displaying all kinds of tempting festive goods in the village hall. Mulled wine, mince pies and sausage rolls all sold well.

Musical entertainment was provided by a ukulele band and songs by children from Nayland Primary School.  Father Christmas was also there with his Elf.

Council chair Rachel Hitchcock said: “The fayre had a lovely festive atmosphere and lots of people came along to enjoy it.  The school choir gave a lovely performance and it was a good start to the Christmas season.  A big thank you to everyone who came and supported us.”


  Christmas Fayre

Nayland Bonfire & Fireworks Night

The annual Nayland bonfire and fireworks night held on 5th November was very successful, attracting several hundred spectators.

It was organised by Nayland with Wissington Community Council and chair Rachel Hitchcock said: "There was a great atmosphere and it was a really good evening with people coming from far and wide to enjoy the display."

The event raised just over £3,000 for council funds.

Community Council President, Ken Willingale said: It seems that our bonfire night has become well supported from many people.
The gain for the Community Council is not just in monetary terms but it shows how well Nayland can work together. Well done everybody. You deserve all our thanks.

  Bonfire Night

Water Levels of the River Stour at Nayland

On 14th August 2019 the water levels of the River Stour through Nayland became very low and water ceased flowing over the Horseshoe Weir and along the stretch of river to Horkesley Lock. The Environment Agency were alerted and arrived to rescue about 4,000 fish on 15th/16th August. 

Further information and photographs of this incident, how it has been covered by television and the press and querying what is considered navigable can be viewed here.

Concern on the condition and water levels of the River through Nayland was discussed during the Community Council meeting. Several residents and the Conservation Society have contacted the Environment Agency asking why this has happened and asking for reassurances for the future.
  River Stour Water Levels Incident

Nayland 10k Fun Run

The Community Council is extremely grateful for the donation of £1,414.40 from the Nayland 10k Fun Run.   This is a significant contribution to our funds and will help support a wide range of community activities.

Rachel Hitchcock, Chair of Nayland with Wissington Community Council said: “The Nayland 10k is fast becoming a firm feature in the local calendar and it is lovely to see so many people enjoying the village and surrounding countryside. The fact that it raises such a significant sum for the Community Council is a bonus and it is fantastic that this money will go back into supporting village organisations and activities. A big thank you to Luke and his team for their efforts in organising such a well-run event.”

Nayland 10k hopes to be back next year so please put 5th July 2020 in your diary!


  Nayland 10k Fun Run

The Annual Calendar Photographic Competition

The photographic competition to generate images for the 2020 Nayland with Wissington Calendar took place on 8th May.  There were 128 beautiful scenes submitted, making selection of just twelve scenes and a cover very difficult indeed. 

This year we asked visitors to the display to select their 12 favourite photographs and cover image to include in the calendar and this seemed to be a very popular idea with over 60 of you carefully studying all the images before making your choices.  It was not an easy task choosing just 12 scenes from so many lovely photographs! 

The photographs selected were submitted by Julie Clark, Nicola Thorogood, Joanna Petersen, Graham Wiles, Antony Day, Mandy Cook, Brian Sanders, Lorraine Brooks, Hazel Gardiner, Sally Dalton, Adrian Szabo, Wendy Sparrow and Phil Border.

You will have to wait for the calendar to see the selected entries but shown here are an example of the other delightful images submitted and on show at the exhibition.  As hoped entries represented the different seasons with our range of weather conditions, from glorious sunshine to mist and snow.  Locations ranged from village activities and events such as the Nayland 10K Fun Run, Church Fete, Open Gardens and erecting the village Christmas tree to parish landmarks, such as St James' and St Mary’s churches.  There were a variety of street scenes, views of the meandering river Stour, the countryside and farming views and some interesting architectural and natural features including the remains of the Mill wheel at Wiston and a vintage tractor parked outside the Surgery.  Several people managed to capture spur of the moment scenes, and our feathered residents - the ducks, swans and Gordon, our resident goose on Caley Green. 

Don’t forget to keep your cameras to hand to capture scenes for next year’s competition. 

  Calendar Competition

Nayand Fun Quiz

Competition was keen when seventeen teams took part in the Community Council’s annual fun quiz at the village hall on 8th February 2019.

There were only four points separating the top six teams. Winners were Nothing Has Changed - Nick, Mary and Sean Morriaty and Chris Hunt - with The Wordsmiths second and Piano, Pilates and Panic third.

The event was coordinated by Rachel Hitchcock who said: “It was a really enjoyable social event and we raised about £295 for council funds. A big thank you to everyone who came along and helped to make it a fun evening."


  Fun Quiz

Christmas Family Fayre

Seasonal festivities began on 1st December when Nayland village hall was full of festive cheer for a successful Christmas Family Fayre.
There was fun for all with Father Christmas who was a popular attraction and musical entertainment from pupils of Nayland Primary School.

The Fayre also provided an opportunity for village societies and groups to raise funds with their traditional stalls, raffles, tombolas and delicious festive refreshments.  The mulled wine was as popular as ever! Shoppers also found a wide variety of tempting gifts and goods from outside stallholders.

Council chair Rachel Hitchcock said: “The fayre had a lovely festive atmosphere and lots of people came along to enjoy it.  The school choir gave a lovely performance and it was a good start to the Christmas season.  A big thank you to everyone who came and supported us.”

The fayre raised over £260 for council funds.

  Christmas Fayre

Nayland Bonfire & Fireworks Night

The annual bonfire and fireworks night on 5th November was a dazzling display which attracted several hundred spectators from Nayland and further afield.

It was organised by Nayland with Wissington Community Council and chair Rachel Hitchcock said: “There was a fantastic turnout and it was a great evening. The weather was kind and our usual band of helpers made it such a success.”

The event raised in the region of £2,200 for council funds.


  Bonfire Night

Public Access Defibrillators in Nayland

‘Minutes matter’ when it comes to a sudden cardiac arrest. Public Access Defibrillators can save vital time whilst waiting for the emergency services to arrive and can dramatically improve a person’s chances of survival when administered within a few minutes.

Thare are TWO Public Access Defibrillators now located in Nayland:

  • Nayland Fire Station, Bear Street, Nayland CO6 4HY; on the outside wall by the entrance.
  • Nayland Village Hall, Church Lane, Nayland CO6 4JH; on the outside wall to the right of the main entrance

The defibrillator at the Fire Station was installed and is managed by the Fire Service. The defibrillator at the Village Hall was installed by the Community Council with the assistance of the Community Heartbeat Trust supported by funding from the National Lottery. It will be managed by the Community Council.

NwW Community Council orgainised a public Defibrillator Training Session with the Community Heartbeat Trust on 18th October 2018. However, training is not necessary to operate the Public Access Defibrillator.

In an Emergency:
  • Always dial 999, The call handler will provide the access code if needed. They are accessible 24/7.
  • Training is not necessary as the device provides clear visual and audible instructions
  • Get it to the patient whilst the 999 call is going on - using it quickly can greatly help the outcome when someone is in cardiac arrest.
Community Defibrillators

Nayland 10k Fun Run

The Community Council is extremely grateful for the donation of £1,433 from the Nayland 10k Fun Run.   This is a significant contribution to our funds and will help support a wide range of community activities.

Rachel Hitchcock, Chair of Nayland with Wissington Community Council said: “It was great to see so many runners of all ages taking part in this event – and enjoying the beautiful countryside around Nayland. Big thanks to them and to the volunteers who helped on the day for braving the heat and contributing to the lovely atmosphere.

Luke Rumbelow of Event Nation, organiser of the event said: “Once again, it was an absolute pleasure to organise the second Nayland 10k.  I would like to thank the volunteers of Nayland and the surrounding villages, my family and everyone who entered and enjoyed the run. We are delighted with the amount raised for Colchester Hospitals and the Community Council.

  Nayland 10k Fun Run

The Annual Calendar Photographic Competition

The photographic competition to generate images for the 2019 Nayland with Wissington Calendar took place on 7th May.  There were 148 beautiful scenes submitted, making selection of just twelve scenes and a cover very difficult indeed. 

The judge, Geoff Meadowcroft, was impressed by the marvellous variety of picturesque views and village activities that had been represented and the interesting compositions captured.

The photographs selected were submitted by Sue Pilgrim, John Milbank, Graham Wiles, Antony Day, Mandy Cook, Will Hitchcock, Lorraine Brooks, Hazel Gardiner, Diane Leach, Maggie Ryan and Helen Walder

You will have to wait for the calendar to see the selected entries but shown here are an example of the other delightful images submitted and on show at the exhibition.  As hoped, entries represented the different seasons with our range of weather conditions, from glorious sunshine to mist and snow.  Locations ranged from village activities and events such as the Nayland 10K Fun Run, Church Fete, Open Gardens and erecting the village Christmas tree to parish landmarks, such as St James' and St Mary’s churches.  There were a variety of street scenes, views of the meandering river Stour, the countryside and farming views and some interesting architectural and natural features including the carvings in St James’ and the footbridge at Pop's Piece.  Several people managed to capture spur of the moment scenes, and our feathered residents - the ducks, swans and resident goose on Caley Green . 
The images selected for inclusion in the calendar have been matched up with interesting old images of the village and historic detail is being added by Wendy Sparrow.  The village calendar will be on sale at the the Flower Show on 4th August. 

In the meantime, don’t forget to keep your cameras to hand to capture scenes for next year’s competition. 


  Calendar Competition

Nayand Fun Quiz

A record number of 23 teams took part in the annual Fun Village Quiz organised by Nayland with Wissington Community Council.

The event, held in the village hall on 2nd February 2018, was won by the Harrow Street Irregulars by a narrow margin of only two points. Five teams tied for second place.

Chair Rachel Hitchcock said: “It was a really enjoyable evening with lots of positive comments at the end. We had a good turnout from Nayland and beyond.”

The quiz raised more than £350 for council funds.

The Community Council are very grateful to Rachel Hichcock and her team of helpers for leading on the organisation of the quiz evening.

  Village Quiz

Village Christmas Tree

Sunday morning 10th December - Well that was a first for Nayland, dressing the tree in a snow blizzard!  We awoke that morning to freezing conditions and rain, following a couple of conversations between the team of helpers, we agreed to go ahead with the original plan of mounting the tree into its underground fixings.  The team of helpers started to prepare the tree regardless of a few snowflakes, little did we know a rather heavy snow blizzard was about to descend on us.

As fast as we placed a decoration or string of lights onto the tree they became hidden by snow. Despite the appalling weather conditions the team of helpers continued until the task was complete. An hour and half later we perhaps looked like snowmen, however the tree looked rather magical covered in snow as the photo shows.

The tree was much admired as always with comments such as “It looked fabulous once again despite having a blizzard to cope with when putting it up”. Throughout the festive period it was greatly enjoyed by many in the village including for the Carols round the Christmas Tree with the Boxted Silver Band on 20th December which I understand was very well attended again this year.

I would like to take this opportunity especially this year to thank all those named (Luke Rumbelow, Bryan Smith, Peter Cotton, Colin Moule, Anna and Tony Boon, Wayne Buller, Iain Wright, Sean Norfolk) who helped put it up in such difficult conditions and to say an extra big thank you to those people without whom we would not have a village Christmas tree. 

Thanks to our dental surgery for servicing the tree with its electricity and allowing the tree to be positioned outside their premises, Fred Smith of Straight Road, Boxted for delivering and supplying the tree at a very competitive rate and Sean Norfolk with his chain saw who expertly shaped the tree stump to fit its holder and had to wait until after 1pm to get home as the A134 was blocked!

Claire Buller, Community Council

  Christmas Tree 2017

Christmas Family Fayre

A gaily decorated village hall was full of festive cheer when Nayland with Wissington Community Council held its Christmas family fayre on 2nd December.

Various village organisations ran traditional stalls as well as others from further afield. Primary school pupils sang carols and played ukuleles. Santa Claus was a popular attraction and other features  included mulled wine, food and refreshments.

Council chairman Rachel Hitchcock said: “The fayre had a lovely festive atmosphere and lots of people turned out to enjoy it. The school choir and ukulele band gave a fantastic performance and it was a good start to the Christmas season. Thank you to everyone involved.”



  Christmas Fayre 2017

Nayland Bonfire & Fireworks Night

Nayland Community Council’s bonfire and fireworks night broke all previous records, attracting hundreds of spectators to the playing field on 5th November.

Chairman Rachel Hitchcock said: “It was a huge success with people coming from far and wide. Many thanks to everyone involved in making it such an enjoyable and successful village event.”

Council funds will benefit by nearly £3,000.

Community Council President, Ken Willingale said: "This village should be justly proud of the Community Council and all it efforts over the years. But I must say it latest effort breaks all records. This does not happen without a lot of hard work and planning. Those who organised and those who helped on the night are to congratulated on a wonderful evening which I know was enjoyed by so many."


  Bonfire and Fireworks

Nayland 10k Fun Run

Nayland Village Hall was buzzing with activity on 2nd July for the start of the first Nayland 10k Fun Run organised by Luke Rumbelow with support from Nayland with Wissington Community Council.

Luke said he was delighted at the number of runners who took part: "We had a fantastic response - 600 runners took part across the three distances - our maximum number for our first event - next year we hope to accommodate more to meet the high demand. As well as more serious club runners, there were lots of families with children which gave the event a real family feel. We received great feedback from runners saying how much they enjoyed running through the local countryside as well as the challenge of the route which is 99 per cent off road. Now we know how the event went we plan on making the event bigger and better next year."

Blessed with great weather, runners of all ages enjoyed the scenic route which took them though picturesque village paths and alleyways before heading out into the Dedham Vale countryside.

Rachel Hitchcock, Chair of the Community Council, was delighted with this new event and said: "Nayland 10k was a super event that went really well and had such a buzz on the day. Thank you to Luke for coming up with such a great addition to the Nayland calendar. We are already looking forward to next year!"

Nayland 10k could not have taken place without the help and goodwill of volunteers who were crucial to the smooth running of the event. Luke and the team expressed huge thanks to everybody - individuals and societies - who supported the event and helped to make it such a success.

Luke said: "I'd like to thank all of the volunteers who helped out. It was a display of real community spirit and I'm grateful to everyone who gave up their time, energy and goodwill."

Funds generated are expected to be about £750 and will be split between Colchester Hospital Charity (CoHoC) Cancer Centre and the Community Council.

The date for the 2018 Nayland 10k is Sunday 1st July.

Click for Photo Archive of Nayland 10k
Click for article and photos in Sufflok Free Press
Click for article and photos in Nayland with Wissington Community Times


  Nayland 10k Fun Run

The Annual Calendar Photographic Competition

The photographic competition to generate images for the 2018 Nayland with Wissington Calendar took place on 1st May.  There were 130 beautiful scenes submitted, making selection of just twelve scenes and a cover very difficult indeed. 

The judge, Geoff Meadowcroft, was impressed by the marvellous variety of village activities and picturesque views that had been represented and the interesting compositions captured.

The photographs selected were submitted by Maggie Ryan, Julie Clark, Graham Wiles, John Dalton, Hazel Gardiner, Mike Hunter, Justin Dowding, Lorraine Brooks, Wendy Sparrow and Mandy Cook.

As hoped entries represented the different seasons with our range of weather conditions, from glorious sunshine to mist and flood.  Locations ranged from village activities and events such as the Sreet Fayre, Church Fete, Open Gardens and Court Knoll Archaeological Dig to parish landmarks, such as St James' and St Mary’s churches and Caley Green.  There were a variety of street scenes, views of the meandering river Stour, the countryside and farming views and some interesting architectural and natural features including the horseshoe weir and the footbridge at Pop's Piece. Several people managed to capture spur of the moment scenes, such as a vintage car travelling through Mill Street, the ducks and resident goose being fed on Caley Green and traffic negotiating floods on the by-pass. 

The images selected for inclusion in the calendar will now be matched up with interesting old images of the village and historic detail is being added by Wendy Sparrow.  The village calendar will be on sale at the Flower Show on 5th August.  Enlargements of photographs featured in the calendars will also be available


  Calendar Competition

Village Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree in the High Street looked splendid again this year. Our thanks go to Claire Buller and her team of helpers who organised and erected the tree for the enjoyment of the whole village.

On Sunday 11th December 2016 the tree was once again mounted into its underground fixings. This year all things went to plan with lights and decorations all in place within the hour. No vehicle in the way this year, as we strategically placed our own vehicle in the perfect position, so it could be moved ready for the tree dressing at 9am.

The tree was greatly enjoyed by many in the village especially for the Carols round the tree with the Boxted Silver Band on Wednesday 21st December which I understand was very well attended once more.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who helped put it up and take it down again this year and to say an extra big thank you to those people without whom we would not have a village Christmas tree.
Thanks to our dental surgery for servicing the tree with its electricity and allowing the tree to be positioned outside their premises, Fred Smith of Straight Road Boxted for delivering and supplying the tree at a very competitive rate and Sean Norfolk with his chain saw who expertly shaped the tree stump to fit its holder.

Claire Buller

  Chhristmas Tree 2016

Christmas Family Fayre

Seasonal festivities began at Nayland on December 3rd with a successful Christmas Family Fayre.

Ten local societies and five traders from outside the village took part in the annual event, displaying all kinds of tempting festive goods in the village hall. Mulled wine, mince pies and sausage rolls all sold well.

Musical entertainment was provided by a ukulele band and songs by children from Nayland Primary School.  Father Christmas was also there with his Elf.

Co-ordinator Claire Buller said: “It was a really enjoyable community event with lots of different age groups attending and more than 50 children came to see Santa.  One of the visiting stallholders said the fayre had such a lovely atmosphere.”

  Christmas Fayre 2016

Community Fingerprint Art Project
Fingerprint Art 2016



The Community Fingerprint Art Project was created by Anna Boon and Jayne Kennedy as part of the street fayre celebration to the 50th anniversary of the Community Council.

The committee came up with the idea that we could create a picture depicting Nayland that everyone who attended the street fayre could be part of - everyone attending added a fingerprint or two to create the picture.

Claire Buller, co-ordinator of the Sreet Fayre, said; "The Nayland Community Council art project is looking great, it is now framed and hanging in the village hall bar. It is amazing what can be created from lots of fingerprints."


Nayland Bonfire & Fireworks Night

Nayland's traditional bonfire and firework display on 5th November drew a record attendance. 

Villager Johnny Spooner, who took his two grandchildren, said: “It was a wonderful display.  Everything was very reasonable and good value for money.”

It was fun for all the family.  Barbecued hot dogs with sausages from our local butcher, warming hot chocolate and mulled wine, children's drinks, sparklers and luminous necklaces all sold well.

Maggie Ryan, CC Treasurer, said: "It was a very enjoyable and profitable evening."

The event made about £1,720 for Community Council funds.

  Fireworks 2016

Nayand Fun Quiz

Competition was keen when nineteen teams took part in the Community Council’s annual fun quiz at the village hall on 7th October 2016.

Winners were Fancy Bears - Mel Skeet, Teresa Moriaty, Gill Boardman and Emma Bishton pictured - with The Millstones second and Clangers third.

The event was hosted by Rachel Hitchcock, on behalf of the Community Council, who said: “It was a really enjoyable social event and we raised over £300 for council funds. A big thank you to everyone who came along and helped to make it a fun evening."

The Community Council are very grateful to Rachel Hichcock and her team of helpers for leading on the organisation of the quiz evening.

  Nayland Quiz 2016

Nayland with Wissington Village Calendar

Copies of the 2017 village calendar are now available to purchase in village shops; the Post Office, Blue Owl, the Village Stores or Forget Me Not.

The calendar can also be bought by post. Click here for more details and an order form. The cost is £5, plus £1.40 for p&p. If you have any queries telephone 01206 262807 or email
Further information can be found on the Village Calendar page

The stunning photographs in the 2017 calendar provide a wonderful record of the parish as it is today. They represent the diverse activities in our active community and reflect the beauty of the village and its surrounding landscape.

  Calendars For Sale

Nayland Street Fayre : Sunday 17th July 2016

Sights and sounds of the 1960s were highlighted when Nayland with Wissington Community Council held its street fayre on July 17. The event celebrated the council’s 50th anniversary and the gaily decorated village centre was packed with stalls.

The fayre was opened by council president Ken Willingale who served on the original committee and recalled how the first chairman, the late General Fairbanks, had led a project to have a village hall built in six years. The ceremony was followed by Nayland School Choir singing a medley of 60s songs and during the day performances were staged by Nayland Choir, the Village Players and the Caverners 60s band.

There were two art exhibitions in St James’s Church and a display illustrating the council’s history and current activities. Other features included vintage car rides, a shooting range, a community art project, photo booth and a children’s roundabout.

Apart from local people the fayre attracted hundreds of visitors from further afield and was rated “a huge success” by organising committee chairman Claire Buller.

She said: “It was a great team effort and there was a wonderful atmosphere throughout the day. A big thank you to Lorraine Brooks for compiling the council’s history display.”

First prizewinners in the fancy dress competition were: under 7 Alex Heaven, 8-11 Honey Castles-Brown, adults Sharon Pentney, group winners The Hippies, Mig and Peter Drew and Mandy Cook. Dressing the doll competition: under 7 Sophia Anta-Cannings, 8-11 Honey Castles-Brown, adults Rebecca Gladwell.  Winner of the Community Council’s 1960 Quiz was Linda Butcher.

Click for more news and photos of the Street Fayre.

Click to view the photo album of the Street Fayre which
celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Community Council.

  Street Fayre 2016

The Annual Calendar Photographic Competition

The photographic competition to generate images for the 2017 Nayland with Wissington Calendar took place on 2nd May.  There were 138 beautiful scenes submitted, making selection of just twelve scenes and a cover very difficult indeed. 

The judge, Geoff Meadowcroft, was impressed by the marvellous variety of village activities and picturesque views that had been represented and the interesting compositions captured.

The photographs selected were submitted by Graham Wiles, Anna Boon, Anne Spencer, Hazel Gardiner, Mike Hunter, Sybil Wade, Lorraine Brooks, Sandra Gibbons, Wendy Sparrow, Julian Baker and Mandy Cook.

As hoped entries represented the different seasons with our range of weather conditions, from glorious sunshine to mist and flood.  Locations ranged from village activities and events such as the Church Fete, Open Gardens, Flower Show and Remembrance services, to parish landmarks, such as St James' and St Mary’s churches and the Pound House.  There were a variety of street scenes, views of the meandering river Stour, the countryside and farming views and some interesting architectural and natural features including the horseshoe weir and Anchor bridge. Several people managed to capture spur of the moment scenes, such as a helicopter visiting the Anchor Inn, harvesting the crops and scenes of traffic negotiating floods on the by-pass.  The goose who has taken up residence by Bear Street bus stop was also a popular subject.

The images selected for inclusion in the calendar have been matched up with interesting old images of the village and historic detail is being added by Wendy Sparrow.  The village calendar will be on sale at the Street Fayre on 17th July and the Flower Show on 8th August.  Enlargements of photographs featured in the calendars will also be available.

In the meantime, don’t forget to keep your cameras to hand to capture scenes for next year’s competition.
  Calendar Competition
Calendar Photos

Grant for Parish Recorder's History Exhibition

The Community Council contributed towards the cost of an exhibition held by Wendy Sparrow, the Parish Recorder for Nayland with Wissington.

The exhibition gave visitors a fascinating insight into the village’s past and present. The two-day event was held at the church hall over the weekend of 13th-14th February 2016 and attracted new and older residents as well as others who had moved away and some from outside the village.  Visitors to the exhibition included Dr Margaret Thomas, chairman of Suffolk Local History Council.

The display featured numerous photographs, press cuttings, documents, parish magazines, books and other memorabilia from Mrs Sparrow’s archives.

She has lived in the village with husband Richard since 1972 and said she was addicted to collecting anything relating to Nayland’s history.
“The hall was absolutely packed nearly all the time and people kept coming back for another look,” she said. “It far exceeded our expectations and was a great success.”

  Nayland History Exhibition 2016

Grant to Nayland Village Hall Management Committee

Nayland Village Hall Management Committee recently received a grant of £3,500 from the Community Council towards the cost of refurbishment of the Village Hall kitchen. This involved the purchase of an additional catering stove and hot cupboard, improving the electrical system and alterations to the existing cupboards.  

Village Hall Treasurer, Peter Mann, thanked the Community Council and said the Management Committee is endebted to the Community Council for this very generous grant, which has helped us to significantly improve the  Hall kitchen facilities, to the benefit of existing and future users.

  Grant to Village Hall

Village Christmas Tree

On Sunday 13th December 2015 the tree was mounted into its underground fixings. However, things did not go quite to plan this year as the owner of a car parked in front of the site could not be located to move the vehicle. The team worked round  this, dressing the tree on the ground before it went up, so well done to them for their determination.

The tree was once more greatly enjoyed by many in the village especially for the Carols round the tree with the Boxted Silver Band on Wednesday 16th December which I think had the biggest turn out I have ever seen at this event.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who helped put it up and take it down this year and to say an extra big thank you to those people without whom we would not have a village Christmas tree.
Thanks to our dental surgery for servicing the tree with its electricity and allowing the tree to be positioned outside their premises, Fred Smith of Straight Road Boxted for delivering and supplying the tree at a very competitive rate and Sean Norfolk with his chain saw who expertly shaped the tree stump to fit its holder.

Claire Buller

  Chhristmas Tree 2015

Christmas Family Fayre

The festive season got off to a flying start when Nayland with Wissington Community Council held its annual Christmas Family Fayre on December 6.

Stalls piled high with seasonal goods did a brisk trade and popular features included mulled wine and Father Christmas with his Elf. Musical entertainment was provided by Nayland Primary School.

Chairman Neil Barbrook said: “The fayre proved to be another enjoyable and successful event. Twenty stalls selling everything from jam to jewellery filled the village hall with many Nayland organisations taking part. A highlight was a performance by Nayland Primary School choir and other young musicians.”

See Photo Gallery page for more photographs

  Christmas Fayre 2015

Nayland Bonfire & Fireworks Night

Despite an earlier heavy downpour this year’s bonfire and fireworks event went ahead as planned on 5th November.

Chairman Neil Barbrook said: “Although numbers were down on previous years we still provided an enjoyable evening for families though we weren’t helped by some temperamental fireworks.

“Many thanks to everyone who helped, including all the thought and preparation both beforehand and on the day, at the actual event and also the hardy few who turned up the next morning to clear up, especially with the difficult conditions.”

See Photo Gallery page for more photographs

  Bonfire & Fireworks 2015

Grant to Nayland Community First Responders

The Nayland First Respnders recently recieved a grant of £400 from the Community Council towards a new iPAD defibrillator. The device incorporates the latest technology and can be used with adults or children in cardiac arrest.  

Co-ordinator, Karen Elliot, thanked the Community Council and said having a second kit will enable them to offer simultaneous localised cover.

More information about the role of a Community First Responder can be found on the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust website, or to apply to join the Nayland Community First Responders, please contact Karen Elliott on 01206 263233.

  Nayland First Responders

Nayand Fun Quiz

Competition was keen when twelve teams took part in the Community Council’s annual fun quiz at the village hall on 2nd October.

Winners were Where is Jayne with The Triers and Bricks and Mortar joint second and Three Point Five third.

The event was hosted by Rachel Hitchcock, on behalf of the Community Council, who said: “It was a great evening with some closely fought competition and several high scoring rounds.

“The animal noises round was fun as well as one guessing what was in the pot by smell.  We expect to have raised more than £200 for council funds but it was also about getting people together to have a bit of fun.”

The Community Council are very grateful to Rachel Hichcock and the Woodland Corner team for leading on the organisation of the quiz evening.


Village Quiz 2015
Photo: Rachel Hitchcock with winners 'Where is Jayne', from left, Gill Boardman, William Kennedy, Emma Bishton and Jayne Kennedy

See Photo Gallery page for more photographs

Nayland with Wissington Village Calendar

Copies of the 2016 village calendar are now available to purchase in village shops; the Post Office, Blue Owl, the Village Stores or Forget Me Not.

The calendar can also be bought by post. Click here for more details and an order form. The cost is £5, plus £1.40 for p&p. If you have any queries telephone 01206 262807 or email
Further information can be found on the Village Calendar page

The stunning photographs in the 2016 calendar provide a wonderful record of the parish as it is today. They represent the diverse activities in our active community and reflect the beauty of the village and its surrounding landscape.

  Calendars For Sale

Picnic in the Park - Sunday 19th July

Numerous families gathered on Webb’s Meadow for the second Picnic in the Park organised by Nayland with Wissington Community Council.

The event was preceded by a duck race along the Fen Street millstream with 74 ducks taking part. First and second prizewinners were Edward Carbutt, 5, and Jessica Huggins, 10. Chris Hunt was MC.

Whilst enjoying their picnics around 150 villagers were entertained by members of Nayland Choir, the Village Players, two Nayland Primary School choirs, the school drama group and several young musicians.

Organiser Iain Wright said: “The aim was to provide a lazy Sunday afternoon with simple entertainment. Mandy Cook and Christine Hawley put together a scintillating programme, showcasing Nayland’s younger talent, together with the Village Players doing an excellent rendition of Albert and the Lion.

“Although slightly blustery the weather was kind and a good time was had by all, especially the young.”



Picnic InThe Park 2015

The full report can
be viewed here
Picnic In The Park 2015

The Annual Calendar Photographic Competition

There was a excellent display of photographs for this year’s competition to generate images for the 2016 Nayland with Wissington calendar. One hundred and twenty four beautiful scenes were submitted for judging, making selection of just twelve scenes very difficult indeed.

The judge, Geoff Meadowcroft, felt the quality of entries improves each year and was impressed by the marvellous variety of village activities and views that had been represented and the interesting compositions captured. The selected photographs were submitted by Graham Wiles, Anne Spencer, Nigel Evans, Trevor Smy, Hazel Gardiner, Mike Hunter, Lorraine Brooks, Antony Day, Wendy Sparrow and Oliver Hughes, one of our young photographers.

Following the judging in the Church Hall on 4th May, the doors opened for viewing. It was a very pleasant afternoon with visitors stopping to chat and have refreshments.

Tha calendar is now being assembled and will be available to buy from 8th August at the Flower Show. Further details on the Calendar page

The Community Council are grateful to the calendar team and helpers for their commitment to this project. 

Residents are reminded to keep their cameras handy to take photos for next year's competition. With all the attractive scenes within the parish, aspects of village life and variations in weather, seasons, and so on the scope for capturing different compositions is considerable.

  Calendar Competition

Grant to Nayland Table Tennis Club

The Nayland Table Tennis Club recently recieved a grant of £250 from the Community Council to purchase a third table tennis table.

Club organiser, Neil Barbrook, said thanks to the grant members can play singles and doubles in a light hearted friendly environment.

The Table Tennis Club meets on Monday afternoons at the Village Hall from 2pm-3.30pm.

New members are welcome and anyone interested can contact Neil Barbrook on 01206 263619.

  Table Tennis Club 2015

Grant to Nayland Carpet Bowls Club

The Nayland Carpet Bowls Club recently recieved a grant of £350 from the Community Council for a device that rolls the bowling carpet onto a storage frame.

Club Secreatary, Eva Rolffe, said the grant was much appreciated as this device will make the task of rolling the heavy bowls carpets much easier.

The Bowls Group have been very successful in the winter and wummer leages and they organise an annual charity tounament in May. They meet on Wednesday evenings at Nayland Village Hall. Anyone interested in joining them should telephone their secretary, Eva Rolfe, on 01206 263151.

  Bowls Grant 2015

Babergh Achievment Awards 2015

Unsung heroes were honoured at the Babergh Community Achievement Awards ceremony at the Stoke-by-Nayland Hotel.  The event, which was compered by Mark Murphy from BBC Radio Suffolk and sponsored by Prolog, recognised 23 individuals and groups that have given many hours of their time to help the communities in which they live. 

Nayland was extremely well represented with awards being presented to Lorraine Brooks and Rachel Hitchcock by the Chairman of Babergh Council.

A new dimension to this year’s ceremony was a film of all the winners and nominators who had been interviewed. These films will be on the Babergh website from May.

Lorraine was nominated for the award by the Community Council in recognition of the work she does for so many village organisations including her roles as Secretary of the Community Council, Community Times Editor, Nayland Calendar team leader and Secretary of the Horticultural Society. Also for providing publicity and websites for other groups including the Conservation Society.

Rachel was nominated by the Parish Council for her work in leading the team (and doing most of the work) in the Transforming Nayland Playground Project, being Chair of Woodland Corner, and her involvement with the Community Council and the Church led to her award. The playground project raised £25,000 funding and also involved community consultation.

So a huge well done to Lorraine and Rachel on behalf of everyone in Nayland, and congratulations that the work you do on our behalf has been recognised.   



Babergh Achievement Awards

Photo: Mary George PC Chair, Rachel Hitchcock and Neil Barbrook CC Chairman at the ceremony

Click to read the citation by the Community Council who nominated Lorraine for an award

Click this link to view the film of the Babergh Achievment Award Winners 2015

Village Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree in the High Street looked splendid again this year. Our thanks go to Claire Buller and her team of helpers who organised and erected the tree for the enjoyment of the whole village.

On Sunday 14th December 2014 the tree was mounted into its underground fixings, much needed in the very windy conditions experienced this year. The new baubles as well as the extra lights received many positive comments allowing the tree to be greatly enjoyed by many in the village especially for the Carols round the tree with the Boxted Silver Band on Wednesday 17th December.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who helped put it up and take it down this year and to say an extra big thank you to those people without whom we would not have a village Christmas tree. Thanks to our dental surgery for servicing the tree with its electricity and allowing the tree to be positioned outside their premises, Fred Smith of Straight Road Boxted for delivering and supplying the tree at a very competitive rate, Sean Norfolk with his chain saw who expertly shaped the tree stump to fit its holder.

Claire Buller

  Christmas Tree

Christmas Family Fayre

Local organisations and visiting stallholders displayed a dazzling range of festive goods at Nayland with Wissington Community Council's Christmas family fayre.

Shoppers crowded into the village hall on December 7 and found a wide variety of tempting fare including jewellery, toys, chocolates, cards and decorations. Mulled wine was popular and Transition Nayland made two delicious soups which went down well. Father Christmas was also there with his elf handing out gifts to youngsters.

A highlight of the event was the contribution by Nayland Primary School with music by the brass ensemble with a solo by Kayleigh Bishop, the ukelele band with a duet by Evie Hughes and Charlie Walder, and the school choir. This was followed by an assorted dance programme presented by members of the Fandango School of Music, Drama and Dance.

The fayre raised just over £200 for council funds.

Treasurer Bryan Smith said: "We were very pleased with the attendance and delighted with the children's performances. A big thank you to everyone who came and supported us."


  Christmas Fayre 2014

Bonfire and Firework Night

This event has developed from humble beginnings and become a well-known annual event drawing in residents from other nearby parishes. The firework display gets bigger and better each year.

The weather was fine and the skies clear, despite being dismal during the day, and visitors and enjoyed the impressive display, delicious hot dogs from our local butcher and warming mulled wine and hot chocolate. There were drinks for children, glo necklaces and sparklers too.

This year's display on 5th November was a huge success attracting about 650 spectators to the village playing field. Takings on the gate totalled £2,086 and the evening made £1,672 profit.

Treasurer Bryan Smith said: "The weather cleared up just in time so we were very fortunate and feel people enjoyed the event. Fred Bugg again did us proud with the bonfire and enormous thanks to all who helped make it such a success."


Bonfire Night 2014

More photos on the Photo Gallery page

Nayand Fun Quiz

Twenty-two teams took part in annual Fun Quiz at the village hall on October 3.

Competition was keen and the winners were The Wonderers - Jerry and Helen Walder, Kerry Shoesmith-Dean and Jules Wormingford. Second were The Elks and Rock Bottom came third.

The successful evening made a record £458 profit for council funds. A big thank you to everyone who came along and helped to make it a fun evening. 

The Community Council are very grateful to Rachel Hichcock and the Woodland Corner team for leading on the organisation of the quiz evening.


  Fun Quiz

The history of the Community Council,

1966 to present, is being collated to celebrate its 50th Anniversary.

Do you have any information that could be included?

We would love to hear from you with information, memories, or if you have any documents, memorabilia or photographs of events held which we could photograph or copy. 

Please contact Lorraine Brooks on 262807 or lorraine.nayland@btinternet.com

Pictured here is a cutting from the Essex County Standard published on 29 August 1975. At that time the Community Council held a Fair annually in August. The cutting states:

'Nayland Market Fair and Meadow Larks held on the village playing field on Monday afternoon raised more than £850 for village hall funds.
Organised by the Community Council, the event attracted a crowd of about 1,500.
The Meadow Larks, crazy sports for all ages, provided some hilarious moments as competitors hurled swedes, tossed pancakes or staggered round the arena under enormous straw bales.'

It sounded great fun and these documents provide interesting reading. It would be good to build on the information we have so far managed to acquire. So please get in touch if you have any snippets of information.

  Historical News Cutting

Nayland with Wissington Village Calendar

The 2015 village calendar is now available to purchase in local shops.

Further information can be found on the Village Calendar page

  Calendars For Sale

Babergh Achievement Awards: Community Council

Clubs, village organisations and community helpers have been rewarded and recognised for their selfless service to others.   This year’s Babergh Community Achievement Awards saw 20 winners congratulated and thanked for their contribution to community life at a ceremony at Stoke-by-Nayland Hotel.   The awards, run for 20 years, highlight the work of people and groups who make a difference by giving up their time for the benefit of their local schools and communities.

   The Nayland with Wissington Community Council, made up of volunteers from the village who fundraise, give grants and support village events were represented at the ceremony by Bryan and Jenny Smith, Tricia Hall and Claire Buller.  They are seen photographed receiving the award from BDC chairman Nick Ridley and Robert Audley, chairman of sponsor Prolog.



Babergh Awards Ceremony

Click to read the citation by the Parish Council who nominated the Community Council for an award

Community Times Success: SALC Newsletter of the Year Competition

The Parish Council recently entered the Community Times into the Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) Newsletter of the Year Competition. Gerry Battye wrote a glowing citation in which he included: ’The Parish Council commends this publication to the judges. It represents the heart-beat of our community. It informs, encourages and inspires us all to participate and involve ourselves in the Community.’

With a population iro 1200 Nayland with Wissington falls into the larger village category so the CT was up against some newsletters of note. Therefore, I was rather surprised and delighted to hear that we had received a placing. Attending the SALC AGM on 12th November, Gerry collected our runner up certificate (shown right). The CT was beaten by Elmswell who have won the completion four times in the last five years.

So well done everyone for all your assistance in making the CT the publication it is. Without all your contributions; village news, features, society reports, promotion of events, notes of interest, and the list goes on… the CT would have no appeal. Without the advertisers the Community Council could not afford to produce the publication and without our valuable distribution team it would not find its way to your doormat. Thanks to our proofreaders for spotting the deliberate mistakes! Thank you all.


SALC Newsletter of the Year

Click to read the citation by the Parish Council who entered the CT ito the competition.
