The Community Times, which was first published in 1989 by the Community Council, was established to "keep the residents of the Nayland and Wissington community informed about the activities of the local clubs, associations and organisations in the village" and to "help promote the objectives of the Community Council". In the early days it was not expected to generate any income, in fact proceeds from a grand draw at the annual fete were dedicated each year to funding the Community Times. Advertising was later introduced and the CT gradually became self-financing; it now generates a profit for the Community Council.
The Community Times has had three editors in its 25 year history. The first editor, Keith Worricker, established the newsletter and developed it into a successful publication. Upon his retirement in October 2002 Sarah Fogarty took the reins until February 2004 when they were passed on to the present editor, Lorraine Brooks, who developed it into a digitally generated magazine.
Of course, the Community times has a whole team of volunteers behind it. The regular contributors of articles, reports and copy and advertisers are vital to make the magazine of interest to readers and the team of proof-readers ensure copy has no errors. The CT would not reach residents' doors without the loyal team of distributors, currently led by Colin Ramsell, but for many years led by Roy and Jean Evans. The Community Council is grateful to everyone involved.
The first issue of the Community Times can be viewed here and makes interesting reading! |