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NwW Community Council
Community Times

The Community Times is distributed free to the door of every home in the
Nayland with Wissington Parish.
It is available at Nayland Post Office, village stores, pub, shops and the doctors surgery which has a wide catchment area.  It is given to children attending Nayland Primary School living in neighbouring parishes, i.e. Leavenheath, Stoke by Nayland.

Advertising is available - click for advertising information (pdf)

Copy is required by the middle of the month preceding publication
(i.e. 15th January for February issue)

Please note, the magazine is published bi-monthly and printed in mono.

For further information contact the editor: Lorraine Brooks 262807 lorraine.nayland@btinternet.com

Issues of the Community Times in colour can be viewed below

February 2024
207: February 2024
April 2024
208: April 2024
June 2024
209: June 2024
February 2023
201: February 2023
April 2023
202: April 2023
June 2023
203: June 2023
Augurst 2023
204: August 2023
October 2023
205: October 2023
December 2023206: Dec 2023
February 2022
195: February 2022
April 2022
196: April 2022
June 2022
197: June 2022
Augurst 2022
198: August 2022
October 2022
199: October 2022
December 2022
200: Dec 2022
February 2021
189: February 2021
April 2021
190: April 2021
June 2021
191: June 2021
Augurst 2021
192: August 2021
October 2021
193: October 2021
December 2021
194: Dec 2021
February 2020
183: February 2020
April 2020
184: April 2020
June 2020
185: June 2020
Augurst 2020
186: August 2020
October 2020
187: October 2020
December 2020
188: Dec 2020
February 2019
177: February 2019
April 2019
178: April 2019
June 2019
179: June 2019
Augurst 2019
180: August 2019
October 2019
181: October 2019
December 2019
182: Dec 2019
February 2018
171: February 2018
April 2018
172: April 2018
June 2018
173: June 2018
Augurst 2018
174: August 2018
October 2018
175: October 2018
December 2018
176: Dec 2018
February 2017
165: February 2017
April 2017
166: April 2017
June 2017
167: June 2017
August 2017
168: August 2017
October 2017
169: October 2017
December 2017
170: Dec 2017
February 2016
159: February 2016
April 2016
160: April 2016
June 2016
161: June 2016
August 2016
162: August 2016
October 2016
163: October 2016
December 2016
164: Dec 2016
February 2015
153: February 2015
April 2015
154: April 2015
June 2015
155: June 2015
August 2015
156: August 2015
October 2015
157: October 2015
December 2015
158: Dec 2015
February 2014
147: February 2014
April 2014
148: April 2014
June 2014
149: June 2014
August 2014
150: August 2014
October 2014
151: October 2014
December 2014
152: Dec 2014
February 2013
141: February 2013
April 2013
142: April 2013
June 2013
143: June 2013
August 2013
144: August 2013
October 2013
145: October 2013

December 2013
146: Dec 2013
February 2012
135: February 2012
April 2012
136: April 2012
June 2012
137: June 2012
August 2012
138: August 2012
October 2012
139: October 2012
December 2012
140: Dec 2012
February 2011
129: February 2011
April 2011
130: April 2011
June 2011
131: June 2011
August 2011
132: August 2011
October 2011
133: October 2011
December 2011
134: Dec 2011
February 2010
123: February 2010
April 2010
124: April 2010
June 2010
125: June 2010
August 2010
126: August 2010
October 2010
127: October 2010
December 2010
128: Dec 2010
February 2009
117: February 2009
April 2009
118: April 2009
June 2009
119: June 2009
August 2009
120: August 2009
October 2009
121: October 2009
December 2009
122: Dec 2009
February 2008
111: February 2008
April 2008
112: April 2008
June 2008
113: June 2008
August 2008
114: August 2008
October 2008
115: October 2008
December 2008
116: Dec 2008
February 2007
105: February 2007
April 2007
106: April 2007
June 2007
107: June 2007
August 2007
108: August 2007
October 2007
109: October 2007
December 2007
110: Dec 2007
February 2006
99: February 2006
April 2006
100: April 2006
June 2006
101: June 2006
August 2006
102: August 2006
October 2006
103: October 2006
December 2006
104: Dec 2006
February 2005
93: February 2005
April 2005
94: April 2005
June 2005
95: June 2005
August 2005
96: August 2005
October 2005
97: October 2005
December 2005
98: Dec 2005
Digital copies of the Community Times were not produced prior to this April 2004
88: April 2004
June 2004
89: June 2004
August 2004
90: August 2004
October 2004
91: October 2004
December 2004
92: Dec 2004

2014 marked the 25th Birthday of the Community Times!
In 2013 the CT was entered in SALC's Newsletter of the Year Competition
and was placed as runner up to Elmswell


October 1989

The Community Times, which was first published in 1989 by the Community Council, was established to "keep the residents of the Nayland and Wissington community informed about the activities of the local clubs, associations and organisations in the village" and to "help promote the objectives of the Community Council".  In the early days it was not expected to generate any income, in fact proceeds from a grand draw at the annual fete were dedicated each year to funding the Community Times.  Advertising was later introduced and the CT gradually became self-financing; it now generates a profit for the Community Council.

The Community Times has had three editors in its 25 year history.  The first editor, Keith Worricker, established the newsletter and developed it into a successful publication. Upon his retirement in October 2002 Sarah Fogarty took the reins until February 2004 when they were passed on to the present editor, Lorraine Brooks, who developed it into a digitally generated magazine.

Of course, the Community times has a whole team of volunteers behind it.  The regular contributors of articles, reports and copy and advertisers are vital to make the magazine of interest to readers and the team of proof-readers ensure copy has no errors.  The CT would not reach residents' doors without the loyal team of distributors, currently led by Colin Ramsell, but for many years led by Roy and Jean Evans.  The Community Council is grateful to everyone involved.

The first issue of the Community Times can be viewed here and makes interesting reading!


August 2021:
Caley Green pages
Caley Green Proposal Comments