Since 2020 we also contribute a third share towards maintenance of the village
The defibrillator at the village hall was supplied and is maintained
by the CC
Village Hall:
The VHMC have secured a grant from the National Lottery and match funding
from different sources is a requirement of the
National Lottery bid.
The VHMC requested from the CC a further £10,000 in addition to the £10,000 already committed -
this was agreed.
January 2025 |
Bear Seasonal Displays:
It was agreed to make a contribution of £100 towards
batteries to power lights and decorations during recent and further
displays in 2025.
Nayland Bear has become a much loved village
character. His continued appearances on various seasonal occasions
- Christmas, New Year, Valentines, Easter, royal celebrations,
Halloween, etc – are very much enjoyed by residents of all ages.
Many thanks to Elaine Muskett and Di Green.
January 2025
Street Christmas Lights:
Having previously agreed to support this much
loved seasonal feature, physically or financially, it was agreed
to contribute £100 towards the electricity supply.
The entrance to the village has become famous
for its Christmas illuminations and gives great joy to many.
December 2024 |
First Responders:
It was agreed to cover the cost of hiring the village hall for a NFR fundraiser;
Anthony Roberts has donated one of his ‘Dickens' Christmas Carol’ performances which will be held on 19th December. The cost for hire of the hall
is £155.
December 2024
Footpath Maintenance:
It was previously agreed to support the maintenance of two popular stretches
of permissive path which had become very overgrown.
Work to the stretch of path from Court Knoll to
the allotments will cost £600; the work is due to be done by Daniel
Bowman on 4th November with a volunteer from the Tendring Estate
helping with the clearing up.
October 2024 |
Level Gauge for River Stour
Following fluctuations in the water levels, and occasions in recent years
when flow virtually ceased, in the river through Nayland the Community
to supply and install a water level gauge at Caley Green.
Permission was given by Suffolk Councty Council, landowners of Caley Green and
the Environment Agency confirmed a permit was not required. A censored
gauge was not possible but it was felt a
simple gauge would help monitor the water levels and it would be
a point of interest to have a gauge board
located where residents can see it.
The gauge provides two water level readings: the river bed depth (useful for
the school projects and locals) and the above sea level (for official
recording) in line with the EA and river trusts. A local surveyor
kindly provided the OS above sea level datum.
The gauge board was purchsed from Shelley Signs (£355), the the oak post and
installation (£648) was carried out by Danny Thurlow Landscapes on
23rd July 2024.
Footpath Maintenance:
It was agreed to support the maintenance of
two stretches of permissive path which had become very overgrown.
This involves a stretch is along the right hand
side of Stoke Road and a second stretch is the path from Court
Knoll to the Allotments.
The Stoke Road path has been mown and strimmed at a cost of
£150 and pay £100 for the autumn cut; two local residents have
to maintain the mowing and strimming. July 2024
Baby & Toddler Group:
A grant for £300 to assist with the cost of hall
hire was agreed. The Baby & Toddler Group has provided a useful community activity for many years; attendance
naturally fluctuates.
They participate in village events to raise
funds themselves and have raised the costs of sessions for families
to £4 (including a snack/drink). May 2024
Choir/Music Group:
A grant for £400 to assist with re-establishing
school choir for year 2 and above and maintaining the cost of
choir provision at affordable subscriptions for the summer term
was agreed.
Early years music groups build on existing music provision and
encourage interest in music from a young age that will hopefully
lead into
continued involvement in musical activities throughout the
school. The School support Community Council and village events,
performances and entertainment for local community May 2024 |
First Responder’s Training Sessions:
Following their offer to organise
free of charge CPR and defibrillator (AED) training sessions in
Nayland on 17th, 20th & 24th January it was agreed to award a grant of £157.50 to cover the cost of
hall hire for the courses.
The sessions help confidence in performing
CPR and using a defibrillator. January 2024
Elizabeth and King Charles memorial:
This was a Parish Council project
which the Community Council agreed to contribute to. This involved
installation of commemorative beech tree and railing to celebrate
the coronation of King Charles III and commemorative bench for
the late Queen Elizabeth II.
They were installed in December 2023.
total cost will be £4,158; the CC awarded a £1,538 contribution
towards the project.
October 2023
Street Christmas Lights:
Having previously agreed to support this much
loved seasonal feature, physically or financially, John Spooner
has said he will not need our help with putting up the decorations.
However, it was agreed to contribute £100 towards the electricity
The entrance to the village has become famous
for its Christmas illuminations and gives great joy to many.
December 2023
Choir: 30th Anniversary concert
The Choir requested a contribution of £1,500 towards the
costs of musicians for their 30th Anniversary concert performing
‘Mozart’s Requiem’
in St James Church on 24th March.
This was agreed.
October 2023
First Responders:
A grant of £2,165 was agreed for additional Automatic
External Defibrillator (AED) and equipment to share among the
increased number of responders on duty.
May 2023
Village Hall:
The Village Hall acquired an enlarged photo of the 1945
Street Party in Nayland to display in the hall. Twelve further
photos of
events spanning the last century were selected to be enlarged
and framed.
The cost of printing enlargements ranging in size
between A0 and A2 was £400, the cost of framing them was £1,767.
A grant
of £883.50 amounting to half the cost of the framing was approved.
March 2023
Bear Christmas Display:
It was agreed to make a contribution of £100
towards batteries to power lights during recent and further displays
in 2023.
Nayland Bear has become a much loved village character. His continued
appearances on various seasonal occasions - Christmas, New
Year, Valentines, Easter, royal celebrations, Halloween, etc
– are
very much enjoyed by residents of all ages. Many thanks to
Elaine Muskett
and Di Green.
January 2023
Street Christmas Lights
It was agreed to make a contribution of
£100 towards electricity to power lights for this very popular
seasonal spectacle.
The Caley Green entrance to the village looked
once again; many thanks to John Spooner for his wonderful display. January 2023
Choir: Hall Hire during Covid-19
The Choir asked for support with costs incurred during Covid to hire the village
hall to allow for social distancing. A grant of £128 was approved.
This enabled their rehearsal sessions
to be
March 2022
Hall: Replacement External Doors
The Village Hall Management Committee requested
a grant of £10,000 for replacement external doors. This included
of the main glass entrance door (£5,796), replacement of three
wooden external doors with hardwood (£3,246) and installation (£920).
grant was approved.
March 2022
Covid Years
There were no grant applications during 2021 as the activities of most of our
village societies were severely hampered by Covid.
The Community
Council did however, introduced some Covid–safe Christmas festivities,
including the:
Christmas Trail (Advent Windows, Christmas Trees & Wreath Competition)
and Father Christmas to tour the village
on Christmas Eve.
As these seasonaql activities were popular thay have continued as annual events. |
Nayland Land Company: Bench for Nayland Meadow
A grant of £550 was approved for a bench to be installed next to the new permissive path on the Horkesely Road/A134 corner of Nayland Meadow. The cost includes £60 inscription ‘Nayland with Wissington Community Council 2020’.
The new path was particularly well used in 2020 due to the Covid-19 restrictions where local personal exercise was encouraged and enjoyed.
Julyy 2020
Nayland Conservation Society: Footpath Steps
A grant of £649 was approved towards the cost of £2,166 for installation of steps to improve footpath access from A134 down to Nayland Meadow; a £1,517 grant has been awarded from Dedham Vales & Stour Valley Project.
The steps greatly improved access for the enjoyment of residents and visitors. The path was particularly well used in 2020 due to the Covid-19 restrictions where local personal exercise was encouraged and enjoyed.
Julyy 2020 |
Nayland Primary School Music Groups
A grant application for £400 to provide the recorder and ukulele groups with bespoke t-shirts (as the choir already have) was approved.
All the Primary School Music Groups participate at village events including the Christmas Fayre.
March 2020 |
Lizzie’s Fund in association with The Brain Tumour Charity
A grant of £201 to cover hire of the village hall as part of a 50km endurance walk fundraiser for this charity was agreed.
A number of Nayland and Wiston families participate in the event, which also raises awareness, and raised £4,000 last year.
March 2020
& Wiston Community Website
Since 2019 the Community Council has contributed a third share towards maintenance
of the village website. The Village Hall and Parish Council also contribute.
The website, managed by Justin Dowing, is a great asset to the village. |
Nayland Village Hall : Replacement Cooker
The Community Council agreed to support a grant application by the VHMC. They need to replace a cooker at a cost of £1,559.98. The grant requested was for £779.99. Members considered our own finances and felt they would able to support this grant, but hoped for favourable weather for Bonfire Night to boost our funds.
September 2019 |
Lizzie’s Fund in association with The Brain Tumour Charity
A grant of £170 to cover hire of the village hall as part of a 50km endurance walk fundraiser for this charity was agreed.
A total of £11,750 was raised for Lizzie’s Fund, on behalf of The Brain Tumour Charity, from the Nayland Endurance Walk.
Lizzie’s Fund has been supported by several village organisations and has raised a total of over £190,000 in just a year.
May 2019 |
Nayland Village Hall : Replacement roof
Following a presentation on the Village Hall roof replacement proposal during the Village Hall AGM and further discussion by the Community Council Executive it was agreed to support their grant application for £10,000 towards the cost of the replacement roof.
The Community Council also agreed at their AGM to support the use of the Village Hall endowment fund for the roof. The construction costs are estimated at in excess of £225,000.
May 2019 |
Nayland Community Store Ltd (Post Office)
The Community Council agreed to reimburse funds that three trustees put into the ‘Save Our Post office’ venture from their own pockets. The total amounts to: £1250.
Although not successful, the campaign was very much in line with the Community Council's aims as set out in our Constitution and we were extremely grateful for the work put in by the Community Store team and do not feel that individuals should be out of pocket. The Charity Commission confirmed this is appropriate.
October 2018 |
Nayland Cinema (Village Hall)
An application was made by Karen Freeman, VHMC Committee, who is
keen to relaunch Nayland Cinema. A survey had confirmed the popularity of reinstating
the cinema and identified areas where improvements are needed; this was largely concerning
the acoustics.
An improved sound system would benefit other hall users. A quote for £3,721
has been obtained. The grant required wss £1,860; Village Hall funds would cover the remainder. The grant was
May 2018
Nayland Community Store Ltd (Post Office)
The Community Council agreed to award a 'loan' of £2,500 to cover
legal fees to carry out the due diligence necessary to allow the share issue for the acquisition
of the Post Office to proceed.
The Community Council has been involved with and fully supportive of the Save Our Post
Office project since its inception. Total pledges now received total circa £55,000 and the
group has also secured a grant of over £21,000 which more than covers the estimated cost of
the project.
It was agreed that the Post office is vital to our community and the Community Council should
support this loan.
January 2018 |
A public access defibrillator (financed with a grant from the National Lottery) has been installed at the Village
Hall by the Community
Heartbeat Trust (CHT). There is another defibrillator on the outside
wall of the Fire Station.
We are registered with the Community Heartbeat Trust for their Webnos Governance
System which allows full and complete records to be maintained about the
use and management of the defibrillator. We will make simple but regular checks of the equipment
The defibrillators are accessible, 24/7. When
dialling 999 the operator will be able to give the code to unlock the defibrillator cabinet. Training is not necessary
as the device provides clear visual and audible instruction.
July 2017 |
Crib Festival
The Community Council agreed to award a grant of £50 towards the setting up of a Crib Festival.
The Festival, organisd by Hazel Gardiner and Kathy Hunt, included a children's craft morning and art
competition as well as a dlightful display of Nativity figures and animals, including a set knitted by local ladies which were given to Nayland House after the event.
October 2017 |
Luncheon Club for Over 60s Christmas Party
The Community Council agreed to award a grant to Nayland Luncheon Club for the Over 60s.
The Luncheon club is run by Olga Alexandra; with a
band of volunteers excellent monthly lunches are held including a Summer Tea Party and a Christmas
Party. It was agreed to grant £200 towards the costs of the Christmas Party.
October 2017 |
Nayland & Wiston Website
The Community Council agreed to contribute a quarter of the
cost of setting up a new community website, to the amount of £542. This is a four-way split with the Village Hall, Church Hall and Parish Council.
The ongoing maintenance costs will be £408. The Community Council agreed to pay £102, a quarter of the ongoing costs.
The website - - is an asset to the community and an opportunity for all village groups to promote themselves and their activities. It is a vital resource for the village hall and church hall as it provides a simple to use, efficient booking system for each hall.
September 2017 |
Nayland Baby & Toddler Group
An application has been received to help cover the cost of hiring the village hall to the end of 2017. Members felt continuation of the group was important and agreed to fund the arrears and future costs to a maximum of £646 towards a shortfall due to current fluctuating attendance..
On behalf of the group, Karen Tranter and Charlotte Durance thanked the CC for their support. They were pleased to say there is currently a good group of families who come regularly and some new families from outside the village have been attending. The number of families may change in September when older siblings start nursery or school, but word of mouth and Facebook are working well, so they are positive that we will keep good numbers. They are also working closely with Woodland Corner playgroup. Activities during the sessions have been increased and have recently included doing nice crafts, making superheroes, Father's Day cards and messy play with cornflour, sensory foam and playdough.
July 2017 |
Nayland Community Post Office
In October 2016 the Community Council agreed to a grant request of up to £2,500 for seedcorn capital the purpose of which was to get the Community Company off the ground, i.e. register the company with the regulators and other authorities, give the resources to conduct due diligence on the business acquition of the post office, and fund the publicity costs of the share issue and public awareness campaign.
Members felt this will be very beneficial for the community and options have been thoroughly explored by the volunteer teams involved.
Progres can be viewed on the Save Our Post Office Campaign website.
October 2016
Nayland Village Hall : Endowment Fund
Nayland Village Hall Management Committee received a grant of £1,000 in October 2016 towards the Village Hall Endowment Fund.
The Endowment Fund was set up at a committee meeting of the VHMC on
8th May 2007: "In order to secure the future and to safeguard against unexpected emergencies, the Treasurer is authorised to set up a separate endowment fund with restricted access to hold monies donated to the Hall by organisations and members of the public either from bequests or donations or grants specifically identified for the Endowment Fund. Use of these funds can only be authorised with the agreement of both Nayland with Wissington Parish Council and Nayland and Wiston Community Council and the Village Hall Management Committee."
The Community Council has contributed £1.000 to this fund annually, with the exception of 2 years when other large grants were made to the Village Hall. |
Nayland Conservation Society: Court Knoll Project
In March 2016 the Community Council agreed to a grant request for £500 towards historical
investigation work which would commence in
September at Court Knoll. The total cost would be approx £8,000; £4,000 from Conservation Society
funds and £3,500 grant from the Stour Valley Trust.
In September the Community Council agreed to set aside a further £500 . The Conservation Society feel they have a great opportunity to
discover as much as they can about this piece of Nayland history.
A letter of thanks from Mike Hunter, their Chairman, stated the project was been hugely successful, both in terms of community involvement and historical discovery. More information abouut the Court Knoll project can be found on their website.
March & September 2016 |
Nayland Baby & Toddler Group
The Community Council contributed £150 towards a shortfall
in current running costs due to fluctuating attendance. Members felt it was
important to support this group.
Since a recent promotion drive
numbers had picked up a little and promotion was continuing. New leaders were successfully sought to take over from September.
March 2016 |
Parish Recorder's History Exhibition
The Community Council contributed towards the cost of an exhibition held by Wendy Sparrow, the Parish Recorder for Nayland with Wissington.
The exhibition gave visitors a fascinating insight into the village’s past and present.
The two-day event was held at the church hall over the weekend of 13th-14th February 2016 and attracted new and older residents as well as others who had moved away and some from outside the village. Visitors to the exhibition included Dr Margaret Thomas, chairman of Suffolk Local History Council.
The display featured numerous photographs, press cuttings, documents, parish magazines, books and other memorabilia from Mrs Sparrow’s archives.
She has lived in the village with husband Richard since 1972 and said she was addicted to collecting anything relating to Nayland’s history.
“The hall was absolutely packed nearly all the time and people kept coming back for another look,” she said. “It far exceeded our expectations and was a great success.”
January 2016 |
Nayland Village Hall Management Committee
Nayland Village Hall Management Committee recently received a grant of £3,500 from the Community Council towards the cost of refurbishment of the Village Hall kitchen. This involved the purchase of an additional catering stove and hot cupboard, improving the electrical system and alterations to the existing cupboards.
Village Hall Treasurer, Peter Mann, thanked the Community Council and said the Management Committee is endebted to the Community Council for this very generous grant, which has helped us to significantly improve the
Hall kitchen facilities, to the benefit of existing and future users.
January 2016 |
Nayland Community First Responders
The Nayland First Respnders recently recieved a grant of £400 from the Community Council towards a new iPAD defibrillator. The device incorporates the latest technology and can be used with adults or children in cardiac arrest.
Co-ordinator, Karen Elliot, thanked the Community Council and said having a second kit will enable them to offer simultaneous localised cover.
More information about the role of a Community First Responder can be found on the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust website, or to apply to join the Nayland Community First Responders, please contact Karen Elliott on 01206 263233.
October 2015 |
Nayland Table Tennis Club
The Nayland Table Tennis Club recently recieved a grant of £250 from the Community Council to purchase a third table tennis table.
Club organiser, Neil Barbrook, said thanks to the grant members can play singles and doubles in a light hearted friendly environment.
The Table Tennis Club meets on Monday afternoons at the Village Hall from 2pm-3.30pm.
New members are welcome and anyone interested can contact Neil Barbrook on 01206 263619.
March 2015 |
Nayland Carpet Bowls Club
The Nayland Carpet Bowls Club recently recieved a grant of £350 from the Community Council for a device that rolls the bowling carpet onto a storage frame.
Club Secreatary, Eva Rolffe, said the grant was much appreciated as this device will make the task of rolling the heavy bowls carpets much easier.
The Bowls Group have been very successful in the winter and wummer leages and they organise an annual charity tounament in May. They meet on Wednesday evenings at Nayland Village Hall. Anyone interested in joining them should telephone their secretary, Eva Rolfe, on 01206 263151.
January 2015 |
Nayland Over 60s Club
The Nayland Luncheon Club for the Over 60s recently recieved a grant of £300 from the Community Council towards the costs of their annual Christmas Party. It was felt Olga Alexander and her team of helpers provide excellent monthly lunches and the community Council were pleased to support them.
Olga Alxander said "I would like to say a big thank you to the Community Council on behalf of myself, all my helpers and members of the Over 60s Luncheon Club for their generous grant for the Christmas Lunch.
We had a very good attendance at the Christmas Party; they enjoyed traditional roast turkey, fruit salad, mince pies, crackers and a small present. To complete the afternoon we had carol singing led by Ken Willingale and accompanied by Mandy Cook. I am assured they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the party.
December 2014 |
Fairfield Recreation Ground Project
A grant of £1,000 was awarded towards this proceted to update the 30 year old playground equipment on the Parish Council's Fairfield recreation Gound. The project ws expected to cost £25,000.
Rachel Hitchcock on behalf of the committee formed to undertake this project said "We are delighted that the Transforming Nayland Playground Project is now complete and our new and improved playground is being enjoyed by the community."
"A huge thank you to all those who supported the project and put in the time and effort to research, plan and raise the funds needed. The playground was updated with much appreciated support from The BigLotteryFund, Babergh District Council, Nayland with Wissington Parish Council and Community Council."
November 2014 |